Sunday, August 29, 2010

BIG stitching news! (Well, big for me!)

Well....I finally did it.....yep, I did it....and I was going to try to upload a video of Snoopy happy dancing but obviously, Snoopy happy dancing is copyright protected, so.....picture Snoppy happy dancing all over the place. may be wondering what I finally did. Now, in the big scheme of things, it's not a life-changing event or anything. But I did finish something that I posted my first progress picture of a little bit over 2 1/2 years ago - January 2008.

Have you figured it out yet? If you have, then you've obviously followed my blog for a while....if not, here it is - ANGEL OF CROSS STITCH!

The bottom picture is obviously me with the finished product. Not the best ever picture of me, but you should be looking at the project, not at me anyway!

Last weekend I picked up the fabric for two more projects - one is by "The Needle's Content" and it's the Spanish Geometric Sampler (I think that's the name - all greens and purples) and the other is Just Nan's Queen of the Needle. Haven't kitted them up yet (going to use the DMC equivalents not the specialty flosses, and I can get those locally - just have to travel a little ways to get fabric). Meanwhile, I'm working on ornaments, ornaments, and more ornaments. I think I mentioned in a previous post that I'm stitching last year's Prairie Schooler Santa FIVE times for my hockey fan siblings (our home town team won the Stanley Cup for the first time in 45+ years), and I'm on number 4. Plus yesterday I started a Mill Hill Christmas ornament for my niece (who hates hockey with a PASSION).

So...all is well in my neck of the woods. Thank you for checking out my blog - and for those of you who have been following my progress on Angel for 2 1/2 years....can you believe it's actually DONE?

A Little Finish

I finished this a couple of weeks ago, but my computer I have a new laptop (YEA!) soI could actually get the picture OFF my camera card and ONTO my blog. I'm still figuring out how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to make this into a Christmas ornament. I'll figure out in the next four months! Hope all is well with everyone - thanks for checking out my blog. next entry will have BIG stitching news...and I'll be posting that entry momentarily, so most of you will see this in backwards order anyway! :-)
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

A little Finish

This isn't the best picture - neither setting on my camera seemed to be "right" - this was on "Auto". I sometimes take my stitching pictures on close up, but the ones I took on close up weren't any better....

Oh well - this was a quick project I did - I still have charms to attach. I did a little changing - it's for a friend that we play bingo with whose birthday is October 27, 1949. So...I changed the B ball to 10, the I ball to 27, and the G ball to 49. All ten digits appeared somewhere, I just shuffled them around a bit.

Anyway, thanks for checking it out!

Need your opinion....

Above is the picture of the golfing nutcracker on the pattern....

Below is the one I stitched....

My question is...does the one I stitched look Christmas-sy enough to be a Christmas ornament without the border around it? Be honest - I can take it! I'm going back and forth on whether or not the border adds anything or just makes it too busy!
Thanks for casting your ballot!

Why I've been missing....

So....I haven't posted much nor I have I updated my blog, and here's why! We had a family reunion in Wisconsin last weekend, and I'm still trying to get caught up. Between lost sleep, tons of e-mails and stuff, and trying to get back in the swing of things, I've just been BUSY!!!!

But after a quick stitching session this afternoon at the mall (my new weekly Sunday routine), I plan on posting two more things to my blog, as well as responding to some individual e-mails that I just haven't gotten to. Don't mean to be ignoring you....just frazzled! LOL

Yes, I am in that picture somewhere. I'm hiding under the umbrella (this is kind of like a "Where's Waldo" puzzle, isn't it). All you can really see is my face. My niece is in a black shirt, my sister is in a dark blue and white striped shirt, and between them are two women - one is me, and one is my other sister.

The group is (believe it or not) just the offspring of two step-mom and her sister. There are seven of us in our family, and my aunt has three kids. Then there's the next generation! And we're actually missing a couple of people - my uncle didn't make it, nor did my Mike, my sister's hubby, and my one male cousin from that family. The neat thing was that even though Scott didn't make it, his wife and their three kids were there. We had a great time - most of my family is out here in California (except my brother, whose cottage we were at) and all of the cousins are in the midwest. So we don't get to see them very often!