Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monopoly (and personal) Update

Well, I did make some progress on my Monopoly board...three more properties (well, two properties and the dreaded INCOME TAX) done!! I put a bit more time in on it this week because I finished up my flatfold stitching on Thursday, and I didn't want to pull out what would have been my normal rotation project for just Friday and Saturday. So, instead I stitched on my Monopoly project Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week. Next week I'll go back to my "normal" rotation, which means Christmas this week.

On a more personal note...I got a call from my Mom (which I shared on most of the stitching boards I'm on) about my great-nephew Anthony. He is my niece Stacey's youngest child (she has four). He has had some odd health issues off and on, and was just diagnosed with "Wilm's Tumor" - as I understand it, it's a tumor in the kidney, and it begins to form in utero when the cells that "grow into" kidneys don't split off correctly. I spoke with my sister (Anthony's grandmother) this evening, and they are going to wait until Tuesday to do the surgery because the hospital wants to do a better CT scan. That surgery is to do two things. First they are going to insert a port for the chemotherapy and other medications, and secondly they are going to at least biopsy the tumor. IF it turns out that the tumor is easily removable, they will remove it tomorrow. If not, they will most likely wait and take one entire kidney out the next day. If both kidneys are involved, they will have to remove both, which would mean dialysis. The biggest concern they have is the possibility of it having spread to his lungs. He was having some difficulty breathing, but there is a possibility that it's because the tumor is pressing on his lungs, not that the cancer is in his lungs. The surgeon didn't think it had spread to the lungs, the radiologist wasn't as sure. If it has spread to his lungs, the prognosis is not good at all.

So...please continue to pray. This niece has two sons and two daughters, and her oldest daughter was our miracle baby - she was very premature, and only weighed 2 lbs. 2 oz. at birth. She is now a happy, healthy 10 year old there is a family history of medical miracles!!!
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Judith said...

Nice progress on monopoly and I will think of your family.

Unknown said...

coming along, your half way there to finish one side of the board

Twana said...

Monopoly is looking good! Hoping for the best possible outcome tomorrow.

MarchAnn said...

Great Job on the board Kathy. I have alway figured this would be a great project but I would have no one to play with and it is to great to hang on the wall.

Nancy M said...

Looks just like the *real* thing! Nice progress and hoping for the best upcome for the little guy!

Habibi said...

Monopoly is coming along great. Your family is in my prayers.