I didn't post an update last weekend because I THOUGHT I would be done with the stitching of the design (other than the border) by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest and I figured I would post at that benchmark.
Instead, I spent Tuesday evening frogging. The bottom left hand corner is about five or six shades of brown and tan for the ground. On Monday, I went in to fix one solo stitch that I had missed, and then, somehow, forgot which symbol the thread I was using matched up with, so I went ahead and started continuing with that piece of thread on the WRONG symbols. I got a little further along before I realized my mistake. And because there are so many color changes in that area, the threads get kind of interwoven with one another on the back, so frogging gets a LITTLE tough!
I finally frogged it, and finally finished off the stitching of everything except the pink and blue border...and the backstitching. After I took this picture, I started on some of the backstitching, and it does bring the picture to life.
Thanks for checking out my blog - I do appreciate it, and all your comments!