First off at my second job it's been a little crazy . For those of you who don't know, I work one job 2 days a week and another one three days a week. The 2 day a week job I've been at for about 6 years now. It was full time, but they were hit hard by the economy, and when they downsized, they had to cut me to two days. I wish that wasn't the case, because I LOVE it there, but, alas, it is what it is. The other job, where I work 3 days per week, I've been at for a little over year. We've been downsizing there in the last couple of weeks due to the transfer of a big client. So it has just been crazy hectic THERE! I do accounting, so layoffs mean final checks, and all the other stuff that goes with it.
The last weekend of April / first weekend of May (April 30th/May 1st) we were in Vegas for a long weekend with our bowling league. Gambling didn't go great, but bowling went pretty well. I ended up being the second highest scoring female bowler, Mike was 5th highest for the men. And our team came in third! So I won almost $200 bowling, Mike won about $100. So that was nice!
Then of course, we had Mother's Day - we had a fairly low key celebration - my sister had my parents, my other sister, and us over for a WONDERFUL dinner of tri-tip, crab legs, cheesy potatoes (my contribution), asparagus, salad, and cheesecake! YUM!!!
In the meantime, I finished my's THAT picture:
No pictures of it yet - it's just a blue rectangle right now.
Thanks for checking it out!