Here is the latest and greatest update on MawMaw's Quilt.....I really do like this pattern! LOL
First the close up of the section I just finished - I think I like this the's solid stitching but I love all the different colors and the patchwork look.
And now a picture of the whole thing.....I think I'm almost 1/2 done. I figure that there are five "whole" diamonds, 4 "half" diamonds, and 4 "quarter" diamonds....for a total of 8 diamonds. I've done two "whole" diamonds, 3 "half" diamonds, and 2 "quarter" diamonds. So....I figure I've stitched 4 diamonds (this used to say 8 - I guess I'm not very good at fractions!). Of course, that logic falls apart a little bit because I still have more border to do. but it's pretty close! LOLI did make a couple of minor adjustments from what the pattern said because I thought there were two "oopses". I tried to contact the designer, but they didn't respond. So....I did it the way that looked right to me.....if I was wrong, no one will ever know!
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My friend Suzanne's five year old granddaughter is dancing in her first recital (I'm thinking you can guess when! LOL) so I stitched this little thing up for her.
I'm either going to finish it as a flatfold or a no sew cube. I'm hoping to maybe find some fabric with ballet shoes or ballerinas on it. We shall see!!!
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Well, I finally finished off my first no-sew cube. It's two Lizzie Kate patterns (with similar, but not identical) colors in them, and I did it back to back. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I used some organdy ribbon for the bow, which I thought was pretty, and I used four pearl headed buttons as "feet". It's not perfectly centered, and could probably have been a slightly shorter cube, but.....hey, if I wanted PERFECT I could have bought her a gift, right? I was taking the picture out on my balcony (hence my hand! I was afraid it might fall, fortunately only one floor if it had, but into bushes....).
I'm going to see Stacey (my niece) for lunch today, so I'll give it to her today.
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Here is my progress after another week of stitching on Angel of Cross Stitch....I ALMOST finished the border on the bottom left hand page (I hate stitching the border, so I "force" myself to spend the first day of my rotation on the border - LOL) and then I did a lot of stitching on the sampler that's hanging on the wall behind her. As usual, lots of confetti stitches....but it all seems to be worth it......
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Here is my progress on the Victorian dollhouse so far. I really enjoy stitching this one - it's got a number of color changes for the various pieces of furniture, etc, but it's still fun. This picture looks like it might be a little blurry if you "bigify" it, but you get the idea. I'm glad my friend Deborah is starting on hers too - I know she was anxious to start it, it will be fun to watch her progress too!
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And Happy Easter to all for whom it is applicable!
Well, I finished one of the three snowmen that are part of the Snowman Trio (still have Willy and Milly to go - I started one of them today, but I don't remember which one! LOL). This was a pretty easy stitch, no fractional stitches....just smyrna crosses for the snow flakes). The photo is a little misleading - the fabric is bluer than it looks (to me it looks gray in the picture, but it's really a light blue).
Thanks for checking it out! I think I'm going to make the three of them into flatfolds. I might (we'll see if I can work out the mechanics of it) try to make it into kind of a tri-fold thing. A friend of mine (thanks Cristin) had a great idea. I'm thinking I could mount the stitching one one piece of foamcore or matboard, and do the same with some complimentary fabric. Then I could kind of make "sandwiches" with those and connect them with wide ribbon of some kind. I'll have to play with it and see how it works. post....Victorian dollhouse!!!
Well, this past week was spent concentrating on the logo in the middle of the Monopoly board. It might just be me, but I have had to concentrate pretty hard on this part - apparently I have a hard time orienting myself diagonally! Even though I'm still stitching in straight rows, it's still diagonal in my ind. I have checked, double checked, and triple checked each letter to make sure I'm staying in alignment. And of course, it's a boatload of quarter stitches, which aren't causing me as much of a headache on the aida as I anticipated....
On the hockey tournament - my nephew's team didn't fare so well - they won their first game, but lost all the rest. On the one hand, you know it's a major honor to even make it to the Nationals, but there's still the side of you that would have liked to see them get a little further in the tourney.....but, obviously, we're very proud of them. And the games were close - so at least they stayed competitive.
The job hunt is still plugging along - no big changes there! Still working two days a week for the old place, and still trying to find something else!
Thanks for checking out my blog - I do appreciate it, and your comments!!!