I stitched this for a dear friend that we've played bingo with for more than 10 years. Her birthday was back in October, but right before her birthday her father passed away. So, her birthday passed without a bunch of fanfare (as she wanted it) so we bought her a gift card to a restaurant and kept things very subdued. But she's in a little better place now (with the birth of her first grandchild) so even though there's no occasion, I'm giving it to her now. I decided not to mat it because I didn't want it getting too big. We tried frames in every color that's in it, and the red just made the whole thing pop. It's a little set back so that the charms didn't hit the glass. I customized it a little bit by scrambling up the numbers so that her birthdate is included in it. It will be interesting to see if she notices!

And here is the baby birth announcement I did for my great niece. The framer agreed with me that a simple frame and no mat was best - the pink and blue checks make it look already matted (or at least I think they do). The only other frame I might have considered was pink, but they didn't have any pink frames - well, they had one - it was bright pink with glitter all over it! LOL
I'm happy with the way both of them turned out. It's funny, when I look at the picture of the birth announcement, the bottom of it looks a little crooked. I even went and looked at it again - it's not, it must have just been the way I took the picture!
And on a different note - the subject of blog comments came up on one of my stitching boards, and I realized I'm guilty of some bad blog etiquette. I am thrilled when people comment on my blog, but I'm not very good about commenting on other people's blogs. Part of that is because often I feel like all I would be saying is "That's gorgeous", and I feel like that's repetitive. But then I realize I like to hear that about my stuff, so other people probably do to. The other reason is I follow a lot of blogs on google reader. So I often don't even go to the blogs. But I have made a decision to be better about commenting on people's blogs - even if it's just to reinforce other people saying how pretty things are!
So....with that being said - thanks for checking out my blog - and if you have one, and if you post on one of my stitching groups are, odds are I will comment at some point! :-)