Finally got to give the birth announcement picture to my niece and great-niece. Yep, that's Payton in my arms, and her mommy, my niece Jillian. Jillian was thrilled. Payton on the other hand didn't seem very impressed....although in her defense, it was time for dinner! LOL

This one is my Just Nan - Queen of the Needle. I've had it out for a couple of weeks, but I still seem to be in a stitching slump at home. The progress I've made on this one has been mostly in the last day or two - so I'm hoping that maybe I'm out of the slump now!

And last but not least, my travel project. It's by The Needle's Content and it's called "Spanish Geometric Sampler. It's a four page pattern, and this was when I finished the first page. There is a little "bleed over" as I went onto the next page if I still had some floss left on the needle. I took this a couple of weeks ago.
Finally - after looking at the HAED (Heaven and Earth Designs) website a number of times and not seeing anything I liked, I heard someone talking about a Chicago pattern. So, I had to check it out, and I LOVED it. So I bought a Chicago pattern and a Las Vegas pattern, both by the same designer. His name is Dennis .... something or other! How's that for helpful??? But if you search on Chicago on the HAED website you'll see it, and if you look at that designer and look at "Boulevard of Dreams" you'll find my Vegas one. As much as I would LOVE to start one or both of them, I am telling myself I HAVE to finish something else first! LOL
Thanks for checking out my blog!