Here is my weekly Angel of Cross Stitch update. I feel like I'm making progress. I had to do one little patch of frogging. Just one little area that was miscounted. But all in all, I'm doing okay. The only thing I just came across is a color I somehow managed to miss buying - B5200. So tomorrow night I'll have to hit Joann's and/or Michael's to find it!!! There is one square where I need to do three stitches of that color, and I don't want to get too far afield or I might miss those!!!!
Looking beautiful! I know what you mean about not getting too far afield or you miss stitches. I have a project sitting because I need to head to town for more floss. I'm afraid to go forward with anything else or I will miss those stitches!
Angel is looking good Kathy! Great progress.
If you can't find B5200, you can substitute white.
It's looking great!
Looks great so far. You won't be able to tell the difference between the B5200 and white. It's supposed to be "brighter" but very hard to tell!!!
Wow...its looking great. It is neat to see it at a different point that where I am on mine. (I still need to post an updated pic!!) Keep that needle going!
Coming along nicely.
She is coming along nicely.
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