I've been busy with some spring cleaning (well, really looking for something for my dad, and it turned into spring cleaning, which turned into stash organization)....lol...so no updates for a couple of weeks. Then last week my camera card and my computer had a falling out and weren't on speaking terms, so I couldn't post anything.
But....now I'm back, and I have a couple weeks worth of updates to post (and a short rant at the end).
This is my project I stated the week before last. It's called "Stop and Stitch the Flowers" and it's by Blue Ribbon Designs. It doesn't show up on the picture but I'm stitching it on a light blue fabric. I like it because it's straight forward stitching, and I'm kind of doing one block at a time. (And no, I haven't forgotten my alphabet - C, D, and E are on the next page of the pattern! LOL). Blue Ribbon Designs has a bunch of these types of patterns - they're 10 squares by 10 squares, alternating letters and designs, and they all have different themes. There's a St. Patricks Day one that I have in my stash, along with Halloween, Christmas, patriotic, and a bunch more. I like them, so I suspect I'll be doing more of these!
This past week I stitched on MawMaw's Quilt - I did the little triangle in the bottom right corner, and the lower right hand corner diamond (there's still more to do on that - each of those diamonds get partially filled in). It looks like I'm doing this in kind of a weird order, but it's because of which pieces are fully contained on one page of the pattern and which aren't - that center diamond is actually spread over four pages of pattern, so I'm holding off on that one til the bitter end. This one is a challenge for me, just because it's over 2 on 40 count linen, but I like it!
Now for my mini-rant. I mentioned that I did some stash organization - part of it was just gathering up some miscellaneous "stuff" I had around the house that was stitching related. So, I needed a second container (I have my stitching stuff all in "Sterilite" brand containers). I had one mid-size container (kind of file box size - it has all my supplies that I'm not currently using - stitching fabric, backing fabric, ribbon, perforated paper, etc, as well as finished projects that aren't framed or whatever), one container that was the same dimensions but shorter (that has current stuff in my rotation in it), plus four shoeboxes with my floss in numerical order in the Floss-Away type bags.
So my first run-in with Sterilite was that I wanted another file size box. So...off to Wally World (aka Wal-Mart) to buy another box like the old one. Nope....don't have it any more......so off to a second Wally World and to Target...only to NOT find the same box. So, I buy another box, but although it's the same size, they don't stack very well (the lid of one doesn't fit the bottom of the other). So...I'll suffer.
Then I had decided that I was tired of my Floss-Away bags not standing up straight, etc....so I bought some notecards to put inside the bags, figuring that they would stand up better (which they do!). Of course, if they aren't sliding all over the place, they take up more room. So...you guessed it...off to buy more boxes. And...would you believe - they've changed the shoeboxes TOO???? So....now I have a total of eight shoeboxes in two stacks of four. And there's such a difference in size that the stack of four new ones is almost a full box taller than the stack of four of the old ones!
I give up! I'm all for nicer, newer, prettier designs and shapes. - but can't they make the cut outs on the lids the same as the bottoms of the older containers so that they still all stack?????
Anyway...done ranting - now I'm off to start another new project! It's the second new one lately, since I had finished BoInk and Monopoly last month!
Thanks for listening to my ranting and raving! Have a great week all!
Love the new project! May have to look into the Christmas and Halloween ones like it.
Projects are looking good, sorry to hear about all the trouble finding boxes and bags
I really like the quilt. I like the colors and how they are placed in the design. I like the other one too. You are very organized. Right now I have a big bin where everything goes. Maybe sometime soon I will get to that nice place...sigh, lol.
Both projects are looking good. I'm enjoying following along.
Love the Stop and Stitch the Flowers. Colors are beautiful!
I'm with you on the new and improved things. I use a lot of storage bins for the kids things and to keep our family organized. Never fail when I go back to get another bin; nothing is the same. I'm all for new and improved but I have to tell 'ya; nothing seems to be improved just new. LOL
Love your new WIP!! And Maw Maw's Quilt is looking fabulous. I agree with your rant on sterilite containers. I must own a million or so in different sizes and shapes so I totally understand your dilema.
Both your projects look great. I think they change boxes to make people buy new ones!
Kathy, your projects look wonderful! I have two of the Blue Ribbon designs - Sealed With a Kiss and Postcards From Paradise. Now that I have seen your floral WIP, I may have to get that one too, LOL.
Your Maw Maws quilt looks fantastic. Love your new project too.
MawMaw's quilt is just beautiful! Have you thought about photocopying chart to cut & tape together for middle diamond? Would be easier than working off 4 separate pages - photocopy is your working copy - should be OK with copyright.
Kathy, I also store in those. I wanted another one could not find it at our Wally World so typed it in on the computer and found a place that carries Sterilite and bought it cheaper then I did the other ones and it was with shipping. Go figure. You might try that. Hope this helps.
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