Above is the picture of the golfing nutcracker on the pattern....
Below is the one I stitched....

My question is...does the one I stitched look Christmas-sy enough to be a Christmas ornament without the border around it? Be honest - I can take it! I'm going back and forth on whether or not the border adds anything or just makes it too busy!
Thanks for casting your ballot!
He looks like he is on vacation tbh.
Looks great just the way he is. Border is too busy for me.
I like the borders on the nutcrackers but it looks fine without it. I think if you use a christmasy fabric for the back it would be fine without the border.
I like the border because it has golf terms and it has the golf ball on a tee. It is a busy border. Maybe just the bottom part og the border that has the golf ball on the tee, that way he looks like he is getting ready to tee off.
I like the border. I think it makes it more Christmas-y.
I think it needs the border.
I like it either way - I know real helpful huh? LOL Your stitching looks great
Think the border adds the Christmas touch. Looks plain without it. Do what you desire, but I like the border.
I skip words sometimes too. It's your choice.
Chris B.
Looks good. The border is needed.
Looks good . Needs the border.
It definitely needs the border!
I like the border, but he still looks fine w/o it, IMHO
I like the border on this one. But I would omit the top golf ball and tee. On the sides, maybe change the words to be their name and the year.
I think it needs the border, but you could personalize or change it up a bit.
I really like the ivy borders on top and bottom. I would add those but leave out the words on the left and right sides.
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