Sunday, November 25, 2012

Finished one of the Snow Belles

Well, this first of the six Snow Belles has been finished other than three stitches for quite a while...

When I started the Snow Belles, I just grabbed my threads from stitching Six Fat Men, since the colors were the same.  I was fine except for the three stitches on her cheek - she is wearing a little blush on her cheeks, and the Six Fat Men didn't use that color!  Since this is my travel project, I kept forgetting to pull that thread to finish off.  So, I finally remembered to bring my stitching bag upstairs, make the three silly little X's, and take a picture.

Assuming I don't fall down on the job, there should be another update soon since I'm probably 3/4 of the way done with the SECOND Snow Belle.

Thanks for checking out my blog.


Rachel said...

Looks fabulous!!

Unknown said...

love your snowman, good luck on finishing the others

Anne Sans Tete said...

Very cute!

- Lisa N.

mab3500 said...

Very Cute!

SoCal Debbie said...

She's a beautiful Snow Belle! Great job on her cheeks!

Linda M said...

Very cute!