Angel of Cross Stitch Update
Here's my progress after another week on Angel of Cross Stitch. I don't feel like I got a lot done (and this picture sure seems like it's at a weird angle!). BUT that bowl of fruit is a truckload of confetti stitches!!! (That's the part I finished this week). I did one day on the border at the bottom, and then the rest of the time was the silly fruit bowl and a little bit on the stack of books or whatever it is between that little chest with the drawers in it and the angel's skirt.Slowly but surely, I am making progress. Now it's back to Monopoly for today, then my week's project is BoInk. The section for this week is fairly small, so I'm hoping to get that block done and then maybe either another one I haven't done, or get some more border done.Thanks for checking out my blog!
Looks great, Kathy. Congrats on your 5 o'clock finish.
Confetti stitches always take longer, well worth it though. Great stitching
Angel looks fantastic. Congrats on your finish too.
Your angel looks great and 5 o"clock is really cute. Sounds like you will have another busy week stitching. Will look forward to more updates soon.
She is looking wonderful you are doing a fantastic job
Looks really good,Kathy - taking shape and will be done before you know it!
It may be slow going but your progress is beautiful. Also, congrats on the finish even if it is the 2nd time around.
Keep on trucking!!! The confetti stitching can be awful, but the results are well worth it.
Keep on keeping on girl! You're making fabulous progress.
Nice progress on all of your projects. Aren't confetti stitches just a pain!
Your angel is looking great...I will have an update pic of mine today. Congrats on your finish as well!
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