Monday, December 28, 2009
Ornament Finishes - 1982
Ornament Finishes - 2009
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Some Christmas finishes!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Productive Stitching Weekend
Yesterday was our So Cal Stitchers Group get together at a local "medium box" craft store. It's not a national chain, just a local chain with (I think) 3 stores. The location we go to has a nice classroom area, and you can rent a table for the day for $5. The tables are set up in kind of blocks of 4, and we can easily sit 8 around a block of 4. So....for $20, 8 of us can stitch the day away! We were there from 9 am to 6 pm with a short break for lunch. Everyone was stitching away, and we had a great time laughing, talking, and TRYING to count! LOL! I was working on my dollhouse project - I'm almost done with the kitchen, so maybe soon I'll have some pictures of another finished room.
Then this evening I watched a really cool episode of "Ace of Cakes" . I don't know if you're familiar, but it's the one with Duff Goldman (I know some people think he's obnoxious, but I think his bakery does awesome cakes). This particular episode (which I think will be on a couple of more times - the description says it's about a building being demolished, which is one of the other cakes in the episode). The cake I was interested in was a replica of a cross-stitched stocking! The woman the cake was being made for has stiched FIFTY THREE stockings for her family members. Her husband wanted to surprise her, so he brought pictures of her stocking to the bakery for them to make a replica. They made a stocking shaped cake, and the decorator actually piped individual little X's to make the pictures on the cake. It really was awesome, and it was neat to see an artist in another medium (cake decorating) have "respect" (for lack of a better word) for the technique of cross-stitching. She actually took fondant and put it over graph paper on top of a light box to get the squares for the X's. If you get a chance, check it out!!!
Now this week I HAVE to start on family calendars. I make a calendar for my family every year for Christmas - actually I think I make 10 of them, because each one is a tad different than the others. I incorporate pictures each month of the family members who have occasions in that month, and put their occasion where it belongs on the calendar. It is a lot of work, but I love doing it. I think this is the 6th year I've done them! They actually take longer to print than they do to design! LOL
So....not sure how much stitching time I'll get this week. But...I'll be back!!!
Have a GREAT week! And thank you, as always, for your comments!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Frederick the Literate is started
Thanks for checking it out!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A new start
I love this pattern - my sweetie bought me this one and the ABC Lessons one, both by Lizzie Kate. I started on this one first because Mike said he liked it better. Both patterns were sold as kits (well, almost kits - pattern and threads, but no fabric) so they came with the overdyed threads. I ran into a little issue along one edge (it's just on the edge, so it won't be a problem), but it let me know I need to be VERY careful. Where the edge of the fabric rubbed up against the red of the letter B, the edge picked up some red color. So - I'm being very careful to put paper towel around my fabric when I'm putting it away at the end of stitching time....hopefully that will keep it from happening on a more important part of the piece.
This week's project is Frederick the Literate. It will be challenging (stitching on black fabric) but I'm okay with that. My Ott Lite and I are good friends!!!
Thanks for checking it out - and, as always, thank you for your comments!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Stitching and something else!
Now for something non-stitching...some of you may recognize the image below as a screen shot from the game show Jeopardy:

Monday, November 9, 2009
Stop and Stitch the Flowers
Speaking of the pattern - it's called "Stop and Stitch the Flowers" and it's by Blue Ribbon Designs. I used the DMC conversions. The fabric is a light blue - I don't remember exactly what it was called, but it's a 28 count even weave (I think I have decided that even weaves are my favorite - I've done mostly 28 count, but I think I've seen 32 and maybe even 36, which I would like to try.
I have another similar Blue Ribbon Designs pattern for St. Patrick's Day. In my ideal world, I would have room to store multiple versions of this same pattern and change them out with the seasons - they have the St. Patty's one, a Christmas one, a Valentines one, and I think a couple of others. It's a fun stitch - I did kind of one block at a time. Well - I would outline a row of blocks, and then stitch each block individually.
Anyway - thanks for checking out my stitching! Love all the comments - nothing like feedback from other stitches to keep you motivated!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Would you believe....
After all my whining about being tired of snowmen, I remembered I had one more kitted up to I had to do it - that gives me an even dozen snowmen that I've stitched!
The pattern is called "Hula Lula" and it's one of the Snowballz by CM Designs. I made it specifically for a friend who decorates big time for Christmas - and since her hubby is from Hawaii, it seemed like it fit. I was originally thinking I would stitch it over one and make it into an ornament - but after trying to do a line or two over one (on 28 count) I just realized I was not going to have the patience.'s too big for an ornament - it's going to become either a no-sew cube or a flat fold.
This one used DMC variations thread. I have to say, I don't consider myself a floss snob - in fact almost everything I stitch, I stitch with DMC threads. But I was not impressed with their variations threads. They just seemed kind of rough or something. But, I'm happy with the outcome, just not necessarily the process!
I also changed the grass skirt technique. The directions (I thought) were kind of silly. They told you to just take a length of thread, run it thru from the front, take one running stitch on the back, and then back out the front. I felt like it would pull right out! So, what I did instead was first I did a whole line of back stitching at the top of the grass skirt. Then I kind of did a loop start, at the end of each back stitch and left the two ends dangling. I'm happy with it, and they won't pull out. I don't know if my explanation makes sense.
Anyway - thanks for checking it out, and thanks for your comments!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Been a good stitcher, but a bad blogger!!
There's our hotel room - we stayed at Green Valley Ranch - it's actually in Henderson, not in Las Vegas, but we really don't mind having to drive to get places. We got a GREAT deal on our stay there ($78 total for three nights!), which made having to drive places even more palatable!
While we were there, I was finally able to connect with Rene, from my ILCS group. The last time I was there, we were going to try but we got our signals crossed on which weekend I was going to be there. But this time all was good - we met at Stitchers Paradise where I picked up a piece of fabric for a new project, and a couple of Hinzeit (forgive me if I've spelled that wrong) patterns (with charms). One is for me (Stitching) and one is for my nephew (Hockey). You don't see a ton of hockey patterns, so I was happy to see that one.
Rene was very kind - I was the lucky recipient of one of her cute little cupcakes. I'm not sure if the picture does it justice - but here it is.
And finally - probably the biggest thing that has kept me from updating my blog...I've been stitching like a wild woman on Christmas ornaments for my family. This morning I put the final stitch in the 8th ornament! So I'm done with my family ornaments. All that's left is some beads (in lieu of French knots) and the final finishing (I'll back them with felt and attach wires for hangers). I'll wait until closer to Christmas to do that because they're easier to store this way.
And one more quick thing - a number of people have asked where the dollhouse pattern came from (my last update). It's from the British magazine "Cross Stitch Gold". Unfortunately, my pages are torn out of the magazine, and I don't still have the magazine to tell you what issue. I THINK (emphasis on think) that it was from March/April 2008. The issue has an elephant on the front cover - not a wild elephant, one that has the beaded decorations like when they're used in ceremonies and stuff. Hope that helps!
Anyway - now I've had it up to my eyeballs with snowmen! So...who knows what I'll pick up next (maybe get back to my rotation - what a novel concept!!!).Monday, September 28, 2009
Victorian Dollhouse Update
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's Raining Men....Hallelujah, it's Raining Men...
They're going to get felt on the backs of them, and then wire hangers (I'm channeling Joan Crawford here, except instead of "NO WIRE HANGERS" I am using wire hangers!). When I get them all done, I'll share....
I'm feeling REALLY good - it's the middle of September and I've made quite a bit of progress on Christmas stitching already!!!
Thanks for checking out my blog, and thanks for all of your kind comments!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
MawMaw's Quilt is FINISHED!
Now it's on to something new - probably some ornaments to get ready for Christmas. I also have a pattern of the famous "Las Vegas" sign that I think I'll work on...might make that one into an ornament as well for a friend of mine who (like me!) loves to go to Vegas!!!
Thanks for checking it out!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Stop and Stitch the Flowers...
Anyway, that's been my project this week. Now I'll be stitching on MawMaw's Quilt this week. I think I only have another couple weeks left on it - I'm on the last diamond. Someone in one of stitching groups finished hers, and it looks really nice!
Hope you all had a good week - and lots of stitching time!!! Thanks for looking, and thanks for all your comments!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Angel of Cross Stitch Update
It's coming along - I guess extra stitching time is the one benefit to only working two days a week! LOL
Thanks for checking it out - and thanks for your comments!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
An early finish
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
MawMaw's Quilt
I'm really enjoying this piece. It's tiny (stitching it on 40 count linen, over 2, but still the tiniest I've ever done) but I love the colors and I love the pattern. So...even though it's slow going (or feels like slow going!) it's fun to stitch.
And on a non-stitching note - had a really fun day today - my niece Stacey and her husband Paul (along with one of their daughters) have July birthdays, one of their sons has a birthday in June, and another daughter has her birthday in August. They have one more son who's the "odd man out" with a February birthday. So...we had a family get together at a local lake complete with picnic lunch, a rented party boat, swimming for the kids, and just all in all a lot of fun! Those of you who were following my blog last year at around this time might remember Anthony - he's the one with the June birthday. He spent his third birthday (last summer) in the hospital having surgery for kidney cancer (had a SEVEN pound tumor removed).'s now a year later. He got his porta-cath removed last month (that's the way they deliver chemo drugs) which is the real sign that he is done with all of his treatments, and can get on with his life! What a difference a year makes! He turned 4 in June, and he'll start pre-school this fall. We are all SO thrilled!!!
Anyway...that's it for now! Thanks for checking out my blog!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday Update
Thanks for checking it out! Now it's on to MawMaw's Quilt for the week!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Two out of three snowmen done
I think I'm going to create my own tri-fold out of these when they're done. My thinking is to mount each one individually on a piece of matboard or foam core (with some quilt batting) and then do three more pieces of matboard covered with quilt batting and fabric (I'm thinking of - if I can find it - white fabric with light blue snowflakes...if not, I'll find something with snowflakes or snowmen on it).
Then my thinking is to take one stitched piece and one fabric covered piece, and put them together with ribbons between them (like 1/3 of the way down from the top and a 1/3 of the way up from the bottom). If I do that with two of them (with the ribbons coming out of opposite sides on each) and then sandwich the ends of those ribbons between the third set, I think it will work as a tri-fold. (Notice - I said I THINK!) If anyone else has any brilliant ideas to contribute....please feel free to chime in!
Thanks for looking!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Angel of Cross Stitch Update
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
New Start
When all is said and done it's going to have quite a few specialty stitches in it - so far there are just some long stitches in the upper left hand corner in the middle of the flowers. And the border is stitched with some overdyed floss from Threadworx in a really pretty turquoise blue.
This is a Sweetheart Tree pattern all revolving around the month of March - my aunt (who is also my Godmother) was born in March and this is her birthday gift for next year.
Thanks for checking it out!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A finish!
Thanks for checking it out!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
MawMaw's Quilt Update
Well, another week and I've finished off the one diamond in the lower right corner, along with the half one on the right hand side. I also started the top right hand corner.....that one should finish up pretty quickly the next time!
I really do like this pattern - although it does take a lot of focus for me - it's on 40 count linen, and just such teeny tiny stitches! LOL
Thanks for checking it out!