Sunday, December 21, 2008
The last of the Stitched Christmas Gifts it's Christmas with Jodi, Suzanne, and families. These are their gifts - I know they're going to be mad because we usually concentrate on Naomi (Suzanne's granddaughter) for Christmas, but these were so tailor made for our friendship that I had to stitch them up for them. I think the green one is going to be for Suzanne and the cream/light yellow one for Jodi. By the time they got framed and matted, they're bigger than I anticipated......but I'm very happy with how they turned out. I hope they'll like them!
Lack of posting / new leaf!
I wanted to take a minute to explain my lack of posting (both here and in my groups!) during the month of December. As is the case for most of us, I get very busy in December. A couple of posts ago I included a picture of the front page of the family calendar that I do for my family. It is truly a labor of love, but it is pretty labor intensive. I'm always a bit delusional in that I THINK I can print calendars and do other things at the same time, but it really doesn't work that way. The calendars take enough concentration that I pretty much have to stay glued to the computer.
Then...add in the stitching stuff, the shopping stuff, and my time in December just seems to evaporate.
This year in particular was hard....I lost a full weekend to an unexpected trip to Brownsville Texas due to the death of my stepfather. I had to be there for my mother, even though she and I have had a rather dysfunctional relationship for the last 10 or 15 years. She and Dave had been married for 35 years in November, and his death, while not necessarily unexpected, happened suddenly. He's had a liver disease (hemochromatosis - the build-up of excess iron in your blood) for most of those 35 years and wasn't doing all that the doctors recommended. He apparently went to sleep one night, lapsed into a coma, and never woke up. He was 76, and my mom is just lost without him. They had a strange relationship, but she certainly misses him.
Anyway - my New Years resolution (heck, not even New Years, more like my post Christmas resolution!) is to be a better blogger and a better group member by posting more often - in both places!!!!
Christmas Ornaments - Quilt-y
These are the ornaments I made for my siblings and my niece and her hubby. The pictures aren't great, I was taking them in a hurry before I packaged them all up. The pattern called for a generic back with the date (if you wanted to) but I made my own backs. IF you look at them, the backs look just like the fronts but with a block that says 2008 replacing the center.
These were a very easy stitch....the assembly took a little bit of time (about an hour per ornament) but my family seemed to enjoy them. We don't really exchange gifts with one another (we do a gift exchange similar to what you might do at work instead - there are just too many of us) but I am the only crafty one, so I enjoy making a little something for everyone.
Ornament Stitching - Perforated Paper
At long last I have finished all of my Christmas stitching (and more importantly, my assembly of my stitched items!). Heck, I've even given most of the items I stitched out already!
These are the ornaments that I made for my parents and my aunt (my godmother). They are stitched on perforated paper, with lots of beads. You stitch two of each, and then stitch them together back to back. I did one set exactly the way the pattern called for (it was an old magazine) and then the other set I used the same patterns but in different colors. (Hence the two at the bottom that are one red and one blue in the same pattern). If you look at the others you'll notice doubles of each one. They each got one set of 4.
I gave my parents theirs yesterday (we had our family Christmas at my brother and sister-in-law's house). My aunt's had to be mailed to her, so the jury is still out on those!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Family Calendar

Each month has pictures of the people who have occasions that month (birthdays or aniversaries) and the event is marked on the individual day (blue for the boys/men, pink for the girls/women, green for anniversaries, and yellow for holidays). Each person's is personalized to them - saying "Our Anniversary" on the appropriate date, or "My Birthday" for the nieces who don't have an anniversary yet. And the nieces all say "Aunt" or "Uncle" where appropriate....and of course, they say "Grandma" and "Grandpa".
I started doing this in for a Christmas gift for my parents in 2003 (with the first calendar being for 2004) and have done one ever since. I get them spiral bound at Staples (which is really reasonable) and they are always the hit of our Christmas gathering. All my siblings help by contributing pictures.
Anyway - now I'm beading ornaments trying to get THEM done for our family celebration on Saturday. I love my family, but they really messed me up by having our big get together on Saturday!!! LOL
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Latest BoInk completion
Well, I've finished the most recently issued section of BoInk. I've decided to concentrate on this one for a bit. With the holidays approaching, my stitching time is a little more disjointed than normal. So rather than constantly pulling projects in and out of rotation, I'm just going to stitch on this one. I have one more block to finish (to be current) plus a lot of border. So...for the time being this is it.
Meanwhile, today is Thanksgiving (at least here in the USA). A good time to reflect back on all the things we have for which to be thankful...for me, that means a loving family, a roof over my head, a job with which to pay the bills, good friends, and probably the biggest thing I'm thankful for this year is the fact that our little trooper Anthony (my great-nephew) pullled through his cancer scare with no lasting damage, and is just doing AWESOME!!!
Thanks for checking out my blog!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Angel of Cross Stitch progress
Here's a picture of the whole thing so is coming along slowly but surely!!! (Sorry the picture is a little blurry!)
It was an emotional week for me, so not a lot of stitching time. Sunday night I went to a friend's house for dinner - it was a memorial get together for my friend's akita. I know, sounds silly, but it was more an excuse for us to all have dinner together. Barney would have been 14 on that day, and Ralph had him put to sleep the Friday I left for Vegas. He was an awesome dog, and he just didn't need to suffer any more. It's pretty unusual for an akita to live that long...bigger dogs tend to have health problems.
Then Wednesday I had to go to a funeral for a former co-worker. I worked for three years as the accountant for a law firm, and this lady was the mother of one of the partners. She came in and helped me the first part of every month with billing, and she was just an awesome woman. She was the same age as my parents (would have turned 74 later this month) and had lung cancer. Besides working together, we did a few things together socially, so I knew her pretty well. She was the mother of four, grandmother of six (one of whom was just born 2 weeks before she passed away), and had a zest for life that you just don't see very often. She led an inspirational life - she was twice divorced, and worked hard to keep her family together. It speaks of her character when her FIRST ex-husband was at her funeral...and they were divorced probably 40 years ago. So...since I am an emotional basket case at funerals, my eyes were in no shape to stitch Wednesday night! LOL
Oh well - thanks for looking, and thanks for listening to me ramble!
Finished and Framed
I did decide (after getting this framed and dropping off my two "5:00 Somewhere" pictures yesterday that my next framing finish I am going to try to do myself. I can't get over how expensive framing is...and I've had coupons for all of it!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Book of Ink Circles Update
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A little finish
It's a Lizzie Kate design - I stitched with Gentle Arts Sampler Threads. I did make one change to it. The two light blue stars were supposed to be a light tan color, but they weren't going to show up at all against the cream color fabric I used.
It's been a busy couple of weeks - lots of crazy stuff. Last Wednesday I misplaced my keys at work. I didn't realize I was missing them until it was time to leave work and go to our last night of bowling for the season. When I thought about it, I realized I had probably left them in the ladies' room. We need a key fob to get into the ladies' room (mine wasn't on the key ring I had misplaced) so I went to look. They weren't there, much to my dismay. Looked all over my office, all over ALL of our the trash can in the rest room, in the office trash cans, everywhere I could think to look. When I bought my car (used) I only got one key and one remote, so I was pretty much stranded. And...of course...they're the keys that only a dealer can make because there's some magic in the head of the key that makes the ignition work. AND it was 6:00.....
So - had to call Triple A, and get towed to the nearest Ford dealer (fortunately, it was only about 13 miles away, so I only had to pay for about 6 miles of towing beyond what AAA covers). Then my Dad picked me up, and let me use his car until the next morning when I had to back to the dealership, prove I was me, and wait an hour for the keys and the programming. I used that hour to go pick my dad up so he could have his car back!
When I got to work on Thursday we put signs up about the keys, and got no the mystery deepened.
Friday morning we left for Vegas...about an hour out, I got a phone call from my office. Some one in another office had turned my keys in!!! She had found them (in the ladies' room) and for some unknown reason took them HOME with her - and she only works Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!!! I was SO aggravated! I mean....yes, it was my fault for leaving them. But there are only five offices on our floor, so why not just walk around and ask about them. And if that doesn't work, put a sign up in the restroom that you found keys and the owner should come claim them. I guess she said she thought they were hers (which, of course, makes perfect sense - since they had a key chain from the M&M store in Vegas that says "Welcome to Vegas KATHY" and has the M&M characters on it - and her name is BARBARA!). Today would have been my first opportunity to thank her, and I just couldn't do it....I mean, while I appreciate her returning them (and it did save me having to get a new house key and a new mailbox key) the fact that she kept them cost me over $200!!!!!
Had a good time in Vegas (thought about trying to set up a "meet and greet" with Rene from my ILCS group, but was going with other people besides just Mike, so wasn't sure I could commit to anything). I bowled really well - averaged about 30 pins over my usual average, so came in 2nd out of the women. Earned myself $154.50! Gambling was okay - didn't win overall, but I did have some winning streaks. Nothing on slot machines, but okay at blackjack.
I did go check out Stitchers Paradise, a nice stitching store. They have a TON of specialty threads (which will be good to know for future trips - if I plan better, I can shop when I go twice a year). I did pick up two Las Vegas patterns - one is an M Designs word tree that was designed exclusively for them (it says Las Vegas, of course) and the other is the famous Las Vegas sign. I also got some light blue opalescent fabric for some snowmen I want to stich, some green tinsel type thread for the otter ornament that's in the ornament issue of Just Cross Stitch, a new set of Q-Snaps, and....oh yeah, two emery boards! LOL
So...that was my weekend! Now back to reality - and Halloween on Friday!
Monday, October 20, 2008
MawMaw's Quilt
It was a busy weekend - stitching get together on Saturday morning with some of the So Cal Stitchers (met a couple of new folks, which is always nice, and got to check out another stitching store - good thing it's not closer to my house!). I did pick up a couple of patterns (Don't Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle, Every Person Who Enters This House Brings Joy - Some When They Enter, Some When They Leave, and a cute snowman pattern), along with the threads for my housewarming gift for my friends Jodi and David. Then went to go check out Jodi and David's new place.
Sunday was football (of course) and then errands. I didn't stitch on Monopoly yesterday, I wanted to get cranking on Jodi and David's gift. It's a cute Lizzie Kate that you personalize with the family name and the date they "Established" their new home. I'm going to make one change to it - it calls for a blue star with a beige star on each side of it, but my fabric is too close to the color of the beige, so I think I'm going to do one dark blue with a light blue on either side.
And now - it's Monday night football!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
BoInk Update
This week is MawMaw's Quilt, so this will get put away for a couple of weeks.
Thanks for checking out my progress!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Next Part of BoInk Completed
I finished the current part of BoInk..still not fully caught up, but now I'll work on some more border and maybe one of the previously released sections. I think I'll probably take this with me to Girls' Night Out on Friday too, so it should be a week full of progress!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monopoly Board - 10/05/08
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Angel of Cross Stitch Update
Slowly but surely, I am making progress. Now it's back to Monopoly for today, then my week's project is BoInk. The section for this week is fairly small, so I'm hoping to get that block done and then maybe either another one I haven't done, or get some more border done.
Thanks for checking out my blog!
A small finish
Show us your backside!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Weekly Progress Report
Friday night we did our bi-weekly gathering of So Cal Stitchers at Tall Mouse - always a good time....we laugh, we stitch, we trade stash (thanks for the Christmas books and the magnets Debi!), we talk, we just have an all around good time!! That kind of messed with my rotation a little bit, since Friday night and Saturday should have been MawMaw's Quilt, and instead I did Monopoly. So, I substituted and stitched MawMaw's Quilt while we watched football yesterday (Go BEARS!!!).
This week is going to be fun for me - hopefully I'll be watching my Cubbies beat the Dodgers to get a spot in the National League penant race. Keep your fingers crossed!!
Thanks for checking out my blog - I know, I'm horrible about thanking everyone who leaves comments, I just get so far behind so fast......but I do appreciate the comments!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Monopoly Update - 9/28/08
I messed with my rotation a little bit this week - had a stitching get together on Friday night, so I took Monopoly because it's one of the easier things I'm working on. So, I left Monopoly on the Q-Snaps and worked on it a little more yesterday. I'll work on MawMaw's Quilt today to make up for not stitching on it Friday and yesterday, and then switch to Angel of Cross Stitch tomorrow, which gets me back onto starting a new week of rotation on Monday.
Whew, I'm confusing myself! LOL
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monopoly Update
And here is the board as it stands - since I had finished another side, I figured I'd show the whole thing. It's funny how much "greener" the fabric uses up close with direct light than it looks a little less "lit up".
Thanks for taking a look!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
BoInk Update
Here's my latest and greatest (well, I don't know about greatest) update to BoInk. I got two more sections done (I think they're sections 2 and 8 - not going in order because I'm still trying to catch up.'s in my rotation every one week out of every three, and that's how often sections get released. IF I can get two blocks done each week, I'll be caught up fairly quickly (we won't talk about the border though!).
Oh well - onto Monopoly today, then MawMaw's Quilt this week.
Thanks for looking!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monopoly Board - 9/14/08
The red blob doesn't look much like the car on the Free Parking spot, but I have faith it will eventually! LOL
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Angel Update
Now this week it's BoInk....
Thanks for looking!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
All about ME!!!
6:15 am
2. Diamonds or pearls?
I can't have both???
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Get Smart
4. What is your favourite TV show?
Brothers and Sisters
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Hmmmm.....varies from day to day - something fast!
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
8. What is your favourite CD at moment?
Toby Keith - 35 Greatest Hits
9.What kind of car do you drive?
Ford Explorer
10. Favourite sandwich?
Quizno's Traditional
11. What characteristic do you despise?
12. Favourite item of clothing?
My soft fluffy "Big Dog" sweats
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
14. Favourite brand of clothing?
Don't have one
15. Where would you retire to?
Right here in Southern California - but closer to the beach!
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
My 40th (6 years ago) when my siblings bought me tickets to The Lion King
17. Favourite sport to watch?
Football - go BEARS!!!
18. Furtherest place you are sending this?
Not sending it, just posting it on my blog
19. Person you expect to send it back first?
Hopefully other people will post it on their blogs too!
20. When is your birthday?
November 14
21. Are you a morning person or a night person?
22. What is your shoe size?
23. Pets?
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
Not a thing!
25. What did you want to be when you were little?
26. How are you today?
Okay - coughing!!
27. What is your favourite sweets?
Chocolate croissant
28. What is your favourite flower?
Pink Roses
29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?
October 24th - Vegas trip
30. What is your full name?
Kathleen Margaret Kenna
31. What are you listening to right now?
The radio thru my computer at work - a talk show
32. What was the last thing you ate?
Stouffer's Swedish Meatballs
33. Do you wish on stars?
Sure, I'll take any help I can get
34. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
A bright blue
35. How is the weather right now?
Sunny, and warm (typical!)
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
My boss
37. Favourite soft drink?
Diet Pepsi (especially some of the flavored ones - vanilla or cherry)
38. Favourite restaurant?
Hard to say - I like Lone Star Steakhouse and also like a place called Taleo
39. Real hair colour?
Medium brown with some gray
40. What was your favourite toy as a child?
My Barbies
41. Summer or winter?
Winter (well, California winters!!)
42. Hugs or kisses?
Again, I'm greedy - I want BOTH!!
43. Chocolate or Vanilla?
44. Coffee or tea?
Don't really drink much of either - maybe coffee once every month or two
45. Do you want your friends to Post you back?
Of course - it's interesting to learn about your friends
46. When was the last time you cried?Day before yesterday
This morning watching some of the coverage of the anniversary of 9/11
47. What is under your bed?
Giant dust bunnies, I'm sure!!
48. What did you do last night?
Bowled in our weekly league (badly, I may add) and stitched when I got home
49. What are you afraid of ?
Losing a loved one
50. Salty or sweet?
51. How many keys on your key ring?
I have two key rings - one has 3 plus the remote for the car. The other has 2 plus the key fob that gets me into our office building, and more importantly, into the ladies' room at work!
52. How many years at your current job?
53. Favourite day of the week?
Saturday - can sleep in, and don't have to prep for work the next day!
54. How many towns have you lived in?
55. Do you make friends easily?
Not really - but when I do make friends, I keep them!
56. How many people will you send this to?
Anyone who reads my blog
57. How many will respond?
No clue
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monopoly Update - 9/7/08
BUT my missed stitching time was for a great cause - a family get together to celebrate my dad's 74th birthday, but also to see my niece Stacey, her husband Paul, and their four kids (Dominique - aka Neeka, Christopher - aka Bubba, Alexis - aka Lexie, and Anthony - aka Boomer). Anthony is the little guy that is fighting kidney cancer and WINNING!!! He's halfway thru his 18 week chemo regimen, and it's going wonderfully. They think they got all the cancer during the surgery in June (a 7 1/2 pound tumor in a 3 year old - well, he turned 3 a couple of days after the surgery), but they're doing chemo just to make sure. To look at him, you'd never know there was anything wrong, which is wonderful! Just goes to show there are miracles!
And in today's mail I got the Lizzie Kate pattern that I ordered to make just for them - it says "Work Hard, Pray Long, and Trust God". Couldn't get more appropriate than that for them!!!
Thanks for looking at my blog!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
MawMaw's Quilt
Today should be Monopoly, but I'm not sure how much I'll get done on it since we have a family get together for my Dad's birthday. PLUS we finally get to hook up with my niece Stacey and her family (which includes my nephew Anthony - the one who was so sick a couple of months ago) - I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing all of them!
Anyway, thanks for looking!!!